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Outsider Television is an independent television production company. Formed in 1993, its first film was the award-winning investigation into the truth of the Marchioness disaster. The film – made for Channel 4’s Dispatches – led to a public inquiry into the tragedy and provoked veteran TV writer Nancy Banks Smith to hail the brand new company as “a brilliant baby”.
Today we maintain the same high standards – specialising in quality current affairs, observational and investigative television programmes, primarily for UK broadcasters.
Four years ago we set up a documentary feature production wing and produced our first feature, the multi-award-winning No Fire Zone. The film exposed shocking war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Sri Lankan civil war in which tens of thousands of innocent Tamil civilians died, mostly as a result of government shelling and the denial of humanitarian aid. As with Outsider Television’s first film, No Fire Zone had huge impact and played a key role in convincing the UN to launch an international investigation into the crimes.
Our latest feature documentary The Ballymurphy Precedent is currently in cinemas
About Us
Outsider Movie

The Outsider Movie Company is the sister company of Outsider Television focusing on the production of Feature length documentary films including the Emmy and Grierson nominated No Fire Zone.
Our latest feature documentary,
The Ballymurphy Precedent is now available
Rent or Buy at Amazon Prime
Watch composer Wayne Roberts
short film on the recording of
The BallymurphyPrecedent
Film score
Some previous Work
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